Sept. 18, 2024 – People in the U.S. die the youngest. The U.S. ranks as the worst performer among 10 developed nations in critical areas of health care, including preventing deaths, access (mainly because of high cost) and guaranteeing quality treatment for everyone, regardless of gender, income or geographic location.

“No other country in the world expects patients and families to pay as much out of pocket for essential health care as they do in the U.S.,” Dr. Joseph Betancourt, the president of The Commonwealth Fund, said on a call Wednesday discussing the new findings. 

Ironically, the steep price people pay doesn’t guarantee superior care.

“We are undersupplied with the things that people need most,” including doctors and hospital beds, Dr. David Blumenthal, the former president of The Commonwealth Fund, said on the call. “That’s one of the reasons why you have to wait so long in the United States for specialty care and one of the reasons why no one can find a primary care physician.”