July 21, 2024 – The Robert Courtney case impacted at least 4,000 patients across Kansas City. He was a trusted pharmacist who diluted life-saving medication for extra money. An FBI sting revealed Courtney diluted chemotherapy treatments. He later admitted he watered down medication for AIDS, fertility, diabetes and even eye drops. . The case is exhausting for local families who have endured loss, shock, a plea deal, sentencing, civil trial and now victim notifications of Courtney’s release. Many shared personal stories of the deaths of their loved ones where full-strength treatments might have made a difference. It was the FBI’s No.1 case until the towers fell on 9/11. More than 20 years later, “Diluted” shines a spotlight on one of the most sinister crimes to ever take place in Kansas City. Santana Cummings wonders what life could have been if a different pharmacist mixed her mother’s cancer medication.