Five Truths About Repentance I Used To Overcome Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


March 26, 2024 – (photo Ashly Stone  and father)  Six months later, I graduated from The Salvation Army program. Although I still couldn’t picture myself committing to a life of sobriety, I still felt like there was something missing, and I had previously used drugs and alcohol to fill that void. I decided that I was going to try an experiment… 

March 26, 2024 – I spent my teenage years drinking, using drugs, and partying despite growing up in a home where I was taught the gospel. By the age of 18, I was a full-blown heroin addict, in and out of jail and rehab. I remember feeling like I was in chains to my addiction. Despite having a desire to live a normal, healthy life, I was in bondage.

After living in a drug house for over a year, I finally was faced with these options: get sober, die, or spend the rest of my life in jail or rehab. I decided to give rehab another shot.

Six months later, I graduated from The Salvation Army program. Although I still couldn’t picture myself committing to a life of sobriety, I still felt like there was something missing, and I had previously used drugs and alcohol to fill that void. I decided that I was going to try an experiment…