8 Ways Sex Changes When You’re Sober - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

It Gets Shorter? –

May 14, 2018 – Sex can be an incredibly vulnerable experience. For people who struggle with alcoholism, the desire to dull some of the more uncomfortable feelings associated with sex – like fear, anxiety and insecurity – can be even greater. But once you get sober and stop using alcohol as a crutch, you’re forced to feel everything a bit more deeply and clearly – the good feelings and the bad.

“Sex has become a much more conscious process [since I got sober],” Seamus Kirst, author of Shitfaced: Musings of a Former Drunk, told HuffPost. “Before, I would drink to build up the confidence to flirt with people, and then drink to get through having sex. Besides my one serious relationship, I would usually have sex when I was drunk, so I wasn’t really aware of what I actually enjoyed sexually, and often sex wasn’t even an especially pleasurable experience.”

Full Story @ HuffingtonPost.com