Young Adults Struggle More with Alcohol Misuse - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Nov. 29, 2021 – Burton Burt, owner of Recovery Awareness counseling center in Gainesville, said aside from the recognizable health signs, like having a fatty liver or cirrhosis, there are other warning signs of addiction. These include failing to complete daily tasks, using while at work and drinking earlier in the day. 

Additional signs of a problem are constantly craving to drink, underperforming in school and jobs, damaging relationships due to alcohol use and repetitively losing consciousness while drinking or “blacking out,” Leeman said.

Burt also believes college culture sets students up for failure.

“You’re in a culture that promotes exploration on dangerous levels, in some cases, without regard for the consequences,” he said.

Leeman said that, although it’s true for most college towns, UF’s close proximity to local bars makes students more susceptible to drinking.

Midtown’s UF Plaza, which houses Grog House Grill, Fat Daddy’s and JJ’s Tavern, is located across the street from campus. This can make it easy for anyone, especially those living on campus, to go out drinking.
