Woman Charts Her Journey to Sobriety - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 23, 2024 – “My story starts on September 21, 2022 – the day I decided I had to get sober. My main thought I had, which was obviously painful but it moved me enough, was, ‘I don’t want her to get sick in the middle of the night and I can’t help because I am out of my socks. I don’t want her to grow up and feel she can’t come to me’. There were incidents that had happened where I hadn’t been equipped to deal with situations and yet that didn’t stop me. There was nothing phenomenal about the morning I stopped,” said Laura.

Laura described her body at that moment as ‘becoming the vessel to get me somewhere else’

She explained: “I just kept thinking, ‘I need my sister. I need my sister,’ said Laura. Laura remembered getting Hannah up and getting into her car.

“My sister, Claire, lives at the top of my street and I went to her house,” she said. “I knew I was going to tell her what was happening but I didn’t know how I was going to tell her because I didn’t really know the words to put together to say where I was in life,” she said.

“I got to her house and her car was pulling out as I was pulling in. She leant out the window and said, ‘What’s wrong?’ straight away.