Why We Need ReSOULutions, not Resolutions – Robyn Cruze - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

The Door Opens Inward –

Dec. 30, 2019 – In 2020, my ReSOULution is to delve deeper into my soul and claim the space that I longed for when I had an eating disorder. I am writing this blog from Australia, where I returned for my father’s memorial service. I admit that this experience takes the ReSOULution concept to a new level. There’s nothing like the death of a dear loved one that encourages us to reflect on how we want to move on in life.

My Dad was an amazing artist; he was talented and prolific. As children, we could always find him in the garage painting with oils or creating a fort from matchsticks or building something from wood. His art was how he expressed his soul and the life he had lived or hoped to live. It was his way of allowing his soul to come out to play.

 My dad inspires me. So, I promise to live more in an artistic way in 2020, allowing myself to play more, to let my soul come out, and not focus so much on how to better myself. I can easily get swept up in bettering myself, doing more, and being more. That comes far too easily to me but maybe this is the year I can overcome some of that. Whether you are in long term recovery or just starting out, it is never too soon to invest in your soul’s playful side. 

Full Story @EatingRecoveryCenter