Pills Don’t Kill People, Guns… –

MAY 23, 2018 – In an attempt to support North’s claim, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam sent PolitiFact a series of studies related to over-prescribing of ADHD medication. However, only one study correlated violence and ADHD medication, and other experts have found fault in the methodology. Jamison Monroe Jr., founder and CEO of Newport Academy, has also found no association between ADHD and or/Ritalin and violent behavior. The adolescent mental health facility has treated teens struggling with a variety of mental illnesses, including ADHD. “What we do know is that violence can be a symptom of unresolved early childhood trauma. In such cases, while ADHD may be present as well, it is not the cause of this behavior,” Monroe told Teen Vogue.

Full Story @ TeenVogue.com