Why Alcoholism Is More Complex for Black Women - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 26, 2022 – It’s hard to see you have a problem when nobody around sees it. That was the experience of Khadi Oluwatoyin, the founder of Sober Black Girls Club.

Growing up, Oluwatoyin excelled academically, a point of pride for both Oluwatoyin and her parents. Her family didn’t drink or keep alcohol in the house, and Oluwatoyin distinctly remembers her first time drinking. Her father and brother had just dropped her off at college, and she decided to get drunk with some other students. “It was just amazing,” Oluwatoyin tells Katie in her latest episode of Next Question about women and alcohol. “There was a feeling of relief…to be out of my body, and not be so hyper-focused on being perfect.” 
