What You Need To Know About The Deadly New Drug - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 21, 2022 – One of the most dangerous and deadly drugs to ever hit the market could be hiding in plain sight, and if we don’t take swift action, we could be facing another devasting wave of overdose deaths among unsuspecting users.

It’s called ISO, short for isotonitazine, a deadly synthetic opioid that is 100X to 1000X stronger than morphine and 20X more potent than fentanyl. As of this writing, it’s been detected in at least 180 deceased individuals who likely died from ISO overdose in 18 states around the country. However, it’s widely assumed this number is grossly underestimated because most standard toxicology screenings don’t yet include ISO detection. There could be countless more deaths miscategorized as non-opioid related, simply because the coroner didn’t know or have the means to test for ISO.
