What Happens When You Lose Both Parents To Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 16, 2022 – Her dad’s addiction “spiraled” after her mom’s death. She lived with her dad and grandmother until she was five years old, and then her dad moved to Arizona; she continued to live with her grandmother in New Hampshire.

Her dad moved back to New Hampshire when Guillemette was in high school and spent a year and a half in rehab. During this time, she spoke on the phone with him once a week but didn’t see him in person. When he got out of rehab, he was doing “really really well, better than after past rehabs.” At this point Guillemette had started to build a relationship with her dad, saying that by this point she had her license and “would go over to his apartment a lot.”

Her dad passed away on September 21, 2021, from a heroin overdose. Guillemette found out about his passing from Fr. Mathias after her grandmother came to campus and asked Fr. Mathias to pull Guillemette from class and give her the news. She added that she knew Fr. Mathias already since she had been attending Good Grief, a group for students who have lost loved ones, since the last semester. 
