June 4, 2024 – Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland report that obese folks with drinking issues who took the drugs to shed pounds had an up to 56% reduction in re-occurrence of alcohol use disorder over one year later, compared to those not using the meds.

“This is very promising news in that we may have a new therapeutic method to treat alcohol use disorder,” said lead researcher Rong Xu. She’s a professor of biomedical informatics at the Case Western’s School of Medicine.

Prior data has suggested that something about GLP-1 diabetes/weight-loss drugs can have the effect of curbing excess drinking.

And the Case Western team have already shown that semaglutide (Ozempic/Wegovy) can have other unexpected health benefits.

“In January we showed that semaglutide is associated with a decrease in suicidal thoughts, and in March, we demonstrated that semaglutide is also associated with a reduction in both new diagnoses and recurrence of cannabis use disorder,” Xu noted in a university news release.