May 25, 2023 – Fusion leadership, however, emphasized the center would not be a methadone clinic but a comprehensive behavioral health treatment facility that offers methadone in conjunction with clinical services and therapy. While traditional clinics often cause loitering due to individuals waiting outside for the prescription drug, Fusion will operate by appointment only and require patients to wait inside the building. 

Albany County Legislator Alison McLean Lane, who represents the village, was the first to confront the company and cited \concerns regarding the president, Florida native Mitch Baumann, and his inexperience operating treatment facilities in New York. The confrontation quickly escalated, with the mayor stepping in to say Lane’s hostility toward the panel was “not going to be tolerated.” 

But she was not alone in her frustration. A code of conduct form distributed to members of the audience was often disregarded, as speakers continued to exceed their four-minute allotment and others cheered or booed during points of contention. 
