Watch John Mayer Perform New Single, Talk Sobriety and Sunday-Night Instagram Show on ‘Ellen’ - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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March 1, 2019 – Mayer calls the show Current Mood and says it “started as a goof” with a backdrop of a foam-core board that “looks like a science-fair presentation” but has become a way for fans to gather on Sunday evening and, as Mayer says, “use the buddy system.” The Dead & Company guitarist now likens Current Mood to “Mister Rogers [Neighborhood] for hungover adults,” noting that he loves comedic bits, the most recent one being his fake Vanity Fair Oscars party set constructed inside his living room, complete with Dave Chappelle, Diplo and Halsey. Mayer also shares how the unexpected response to the show helped him realize that “doing good” is another way to fee accomplished, rather than making something, like music, that is good.

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