Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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Epic Tragedy

Rhode Island overdose deaths spike to 22 in 13 days
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Twenty-two people died of drug overdoses in Rhode Island during a 13-day period this month – far more than the average for that time period, health officials said Friday. Health officials offered no explanation for the spike in deaths, up from the usual three to four per week. Read More

What are they Smoking?

Israeli pharmacists: Cannabis can cause side-effects, even death 
In addition to describing the side effects, the association’s report also contains a list of possible interactions between cannabis and various medications and substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. For example, there are anti-depressants whose effectiveness is undermined by the use of cannabis. Read More

Past Issues
For Past Issues of
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin
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Sedona Yoga Workshop

12 Step Yoga for the Soul: Healing Addictions RetreatMarch 28 – 30, 2014
12 Step Yoga for the Soul is a weekend workshop focusing on the 12 Steps of Recovery as it relates to healing through Kundalini yoga. Together we practice pranayam (breath work), asanas (yoga postures), and meditations specifically designed to heal blocked energy from our addictions. Read More

Commentary by Richard Burton VIDEO

Richard Burton talking about alcohol addiction
Don’t miss this video.
Richard Burton on Dick Cavett
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Making A Difference  Feb. 28, – March 1, 2014

 6th Annual                                     It Happens to 

Boys Conference    with Jerry Moe-John Lee-Patrick Carns-Judy Crane-Allen Berger

February 28, March 1, 2014

 Pasadena Hilton Read More

Meditation from Center for Healthy Sex

PURPOSE by Bruno Bettelheim 
“If we hope to live not just from moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our existence, then our greatest need and most difficult achievement is to find meaning in our lives. read more. Read More

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Dr. Tian Dayton on Chaira de Blasio

Using Drugs to Belong, Chiara de Blasio Tells Her Story of Substance Abuse 
Chiara sounds like so many young people who struggle with belonging, or who hide feelings of depression or anxiety. Chiara has used pot and alcohol to manage emotional pain that she didn’t know what else to do with. Her parents care, and so do so many parents.
“Every kid who grows up in New York grows up pretty fast,” Chiara says in the video. “It’s astonishing.” She continues, “I’ve had depression, clinical depression, for my entire adolescence. … [Drinking and doing drugs] made it easier.” Read More

5th Experience Strength & Hope Award, Feb. 13.



Easier for Doctors to Identify Substance Abuse?
“Instead of extensive interviews or long questionnaires, which are a barrier to screening in primary care settings, this approach may make it much easier to identify and appropriately address unhealthy substance use.”  Read More

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Art and Recovery

Skull made of compressed cocaine 
The work of dutch artist Diddo, Ecce Animal is purported to be made from “street sourced” cocaine and gelatin. The artist also describes the laboratory process used to determine the purity of the product and create the work. Read More

Ballad of Trace Adkins

Country singer Trace Adkins enters alcohol rehab
Adkins’ publicist tells Country Weekly and confirms to The Associated Press on Wednesday that the singer entered rehab after consuming alcohol during the Country Cruising cruise. Read More

Sober Fashions

First Nations man start sobriety clothing line
APTN’s Larissa Burnoff speaks with a First Nation man who grew up in a broken home riddled with drugs and alcohol.

Many Aboriginal adults grew up without a chance to learn proper parenting skills and many also succumbed to addictions. Read More

Driving and Drugging Update

Marijuana and DUI: What Californians Need to Know
California continues its seemingly inexorable march toward marijuana legalization, but even if weed becomes legal, driving under the influence won’t.  Here’s a run-down on current California drugged driving law, how people get popped for it, what the punishments are, and how to act rightRead More

Alcohol Study

Memory loss alert for men drinking more than two pints a day
A 10-year study of more than 7,000 male and female civil servants found men who regularly drank significant amounts of alcohol suffered notable mental decline.

The study proved that some of the memory loss experienced in old age may have been caused by unhealthy drinking habits in middle age. Read More

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of the new classic 

documentary, BILL W. (2012)

Donate to                                  Writers In Treatment/              REEL Recovery Film Festival,
501(c)(3) nonprofit (min. $50)
Click here 
Bill W. tells the story of William G. Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, a man included in TIME Magazine’s “100 Persons of the 20th Century.

Ending Prohibition?

Obama: Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol
“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol,” the president said. Read More

Medication vs. Abstinence

Doctors Attack Alcoholics Anonymous

Some doctors who specialize in treating alcoholism have leveled a pair of accusations against the organization. First, they claim that AA has obstructed the spread of medications to treat alcoholism. Second, they claim that the group stubbornly resists evidence that some alcoholics are better suited to a life of moderate drinking than to complete abstinence. Read More

Health News

Sugar is ‘the new tobacco’
Glaceau Vitamin Water, which is owned by Coca-Cola, has the equivalent of four teaspoons of sugar in a 500ml bottle.  Action of Sugar said food firms should be able to reduce the amount of sugar they add to products by 20 to 30 per cent within three to five years, taking 100 calories a day out of the typical diet. Read More

Youth and e-CigarettesY

Perception of safety spurs e-cigarette use in young adults 
The findings “suggest that messages about the lack of evidence on e-cigarettes being cessation aids, and the uncertainty of the risks associated with e-cigarette use” – addiction, pneumonia, heart failure, and so on – “may discourage young adults from experimenting with e-cigarettes,” Read More

Alcohol and Memory

Heavy drinking in middle age linked to faster mental decline in men
Researchers documented the alcohol use of 5,000 men and 2,000 women three times over a period of 10 years before administering the first of three tests of memory and executive function.  Drinking 36 grams or more of alcohol per day is shown to accelerate cognitive decline in just about every measurable area, but memory in particular: Over a 10-year period, the memory function could age nearly six additional years. Read More

Drugs Aren’t the Problem  VIDEO

 Neuroscientist Carl Hart on Brain Science & Myths About Addiction
Groundbreaking neuropsychopharmacologist Dr. Carl Hart. He is the first tenured African-American professor in the sciences at Columbia University. Read More

Experience, Strength and Hope Award 

5th Annual Experience, Strength and Hope Award show.
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Skirball Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA
Honoring Carrie White
Headliner Alonzo Bodden

About Us
SAVE A LIFEWriters In Treatment
501 (c)(3) nonprofit
WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.
Publisher: Leonard Buschel


Playmate Cassandra Lynn Hensley binged on champagne and cocaine before tub death
According to TMZ, who reported Hensley’s death on Thursday, a friend called police to report a possible drug overdose after discovering the former playmate’s body. Paramedics responded but could not revive her. Read More


MINISTRY’S Al Jourgensen To enter Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility
Jourgensen reportedly suffered a near-death experience in 2010 as the result of a ruptured ulcer. He told Revolver magazine back in January 2012, “After [MINISTRY’s] ‘The Last Sucker’ [album was released in 2007], I was puking up blood every day. Read More

Drugs and Suicide

U.S. adult illicit drug users have higher suicide risk 
‘9.6 percent of U.S. adults who had used marijuana in the past year had serious thoughts of suicide during that period, the level was 20.9 percent for adults who had used sedatives non-medically in the past year. Read More

Rehab News

 DARRYL STRAWBERRY to Open Substance Abuse Treatment Center
DSRC was founded in partnership with retired MLB player Darryl Strawberry and Oglethorpe Healthcare Inc. to provide athletes and individuals suffering from substance abuse with a center for excellence in addiction treatment and recovery. Read More 


Image of woman, 35, dying after decade of alcoholism 
Beverley Pickorer regularly has epileptic seizures and is bed-bound. Her jaundiced skin is paper thin and her teeth are rotting. The 35-year-old developed liver disease after a decade of alcoholism. At her worst, she drank 24 cans of lager and a bottle of pear cider in the morning, carried on drinking in a nearby pub and had another 16 cans of lager when she went home.  Read More


Dennis Rodman checks into rehab to treat alcoholism
He stamped his name on “Dennis Rodman – The original Bad Ass Premium Vodka,” late last year. Then what was potentially a historic and monumental event turned into a nightmare for everyone concerned,” Prince said. “Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put on him to be a combination `super human’ political figure and `fixer’ got the better of him.  Read More

Celebrity In Trouble

JUSTIN Bieber has a serious drug problem
Sources tell TMZ that the singer using drugs with alarming regularity, and it’s making him so erratic his people have been urging him to go to rehab.
Justin has been taking lots of prescription pills, including Xanax, in addition to lots of alcohol and weed. Read More


What Addicts Know’: Realizations from recovery that can help us all 
In “What Addicts Know,” Christopher Kennedy Lawford revisits the topic of addiction and provides an eye-opening explanation as to how our culture has become dependent on the instant gratification of gambling, drugs, alcohol, technology, and material possessions. Here’s an excerpt. Read More

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Rehab In The News

Rehab participants accused of public intoxication, four jailed 
Four participants in a residential alternative sentencing program were arrested for public intoxication at the Civic Center, the program director said Monday” Read More