Treatment Scam May Be Coming to Your State - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Preying on the Dying – 

October 7, 2019 – People with addiction and their families often don’t want to ask their doctors or pastors for help because they’re ashamed and want to hide their illness. So, turning to a stranger can be appealing.

To attract victims, “patient brokers,” as the scammers are known, typically offer free airline tickets and pocket money, according to prosecutors. They waive insurance deductibles and copays and tout the camaraderie and beach life the patients will enjoy in a place such as Florida. Parents, relieved that their son or daughter has finally consented to treatment, are eager to go along.

Past legal cases show the brokers can make initial commissions of as much as $2,000 per patient — and then rake in additional fees when they re-enroll the same patients after they relapse.

Full Story @PEW