March 31, 2023 – “There’s a good chance if you are using a pill that you bought on the street and did not buy from a regular pharmacy that this might have xylazine in the pill,” Oz said. “It is nasty, nasty stuff.”

Xylazine has not been approved for human use, so its effects on humans are poorly understood.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are working to crack down on the ‘zombie drug.” On Tuesday, they introduced a bill in the House and Senate classifying xylazine as a controlled substance in hopes of helping law enforcement track its illegal use and those behind it.

“What I want to tell people all the time is, don’t make someone you love, plan your funeral. Because that’s what you’re doing when you take one pill,” Oz said.

The special agent said xylazine is slowly increasing in Arizona, but it’s unclear how widespread it is, as some hospitals or medical examiners don’t often test for it. 12News reached out to Banner Health, Dignity Health, Mayo Clinic, and Valleywise Health hospitals regarding testing for xylazine, but did not get a response by the time of publishing.
