Tony Stark’s Substance Abuse Is Symptomatic of a Much Scarier Problem - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 9, 2022 – Ever since he could, Tony struggled with substance abuse as he has tackled alcoholism in the past. But in the most recent Iron Man run, Tony’s life had gotten more complicated with his vices and proved that they are symptoms of a worse issue. In Iron Man #19 (by Christopher Cantwell, CAFU, Frank D’Armata and VC’s Joe Caramagna), Tony is shown left with nothing but the consequences of his actions. To stop Michael Korvac from destroying the universe, Tony had to fight with a broken neck, with only morphine left to kill the pain, which he grew dependent on. But when the time came, he absorbed the Power Cosmic and became corrupted by its limitless power. As a result, he became an enemy and pushed away almost all of his allies before he eventually lost his powers and saw the error of his ways. Now, dealing with the withdrawals of morphine addiction that may kill him, he’s left face to face with Korvac.
