The State Plagued by Addiction, Suicide and Incest  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Aug. 14, 2024 – During conversations, they learn that drugs are a major problem, teachers are in short supply, and incest is another issue.

One woman in the store tells the camera crew: ‘We’re the poorest county in the United States or we were. ‘About 30 per cent of our community are dopers, druggies … more than 30 per cent!’ Meanwhile, a man in the store reveals that the population is steadily declining as younger people are leaving in the search of ‘entertainment’ and jobs. 

Outside the store, while talking to two local men, Drew gets on to the topic of incest and one of the men says he has dealt with it within his own family. 

Dave also confirms that it is a common problem in the area. Recounting one tale, he says: ‘I had a very good friend and he was screwing his half sister … I was like, “what!”’

After a day of exploring the heart of West Virginia, Drew says goodbye to Dave and Tessa and thanks them for their company. 

Wrapping up his documentary, the YouTube creator concludes: ‘I came to America’s poorest county not knowing what kind of people I would meet.