The Recipe for Sobriety - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Food is God –

November 16, 2018 – “I was suffering from the DTs [delirium tremens],” he says. “I chose alcohol over food for a period of about four weeks. I was about 140 pounds—and I’m six foot two. I developed bleeding ulcers and I was vomiting blood. In my mind, it was still a question of whether or not I had a problem.” Chef Bogardus, having reached a physical rock bottom, was forced to confront his reality. It wasn’t the manifestation of his illness that brought him down, really. It was the inability to self-medicate. “Once I couldn’t keep my booze down anymore… once I realized that the medicine wasn’t working, I started really looking for help,” he says. He was, as he put it, “a hard-core, real alcoholic.

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