The real reason Wendy Williams got help for drug abuse - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

She Got Game 

September 6, 2018 – Wendy Williams didn’t seek treatment for her substance abuse issues because of an intervention — she got help because she was a public figure who would’ve made the news. “I never got busted by the cops. Honestly, I was high-careening around Manhattan and New Jersey high. I come from a two-parent household … I come from a good family and I had never shamed them, and plus I earned my career,” Williams told Page Six over the phone on Thursday. “Look, I was very popular at the time I decided to stop. If I were to be busted that would’ve definitely been New York Post front cover,” she continued. “I just woke up one day and I said, ‘Girl, you need to stop before it really goes down.’” She developed a cocaine habit while working in…

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