Beauty Saves Lives –

May 2018 – We are living in complicated and difficult times. We are all affected by what is happening on the world stage, regardless of nationality, political affiliation, gender, age, race or religion. Those of us who are privileged are not completely exempt, even if all that touches us is the cacophony of news reports about mass suffering. In fact, while writing this article, another public shooting event is unfolding on social media as it is happening in real time. The creative arts are able to help people find balance, meaning and purpose. The Greek root word for trauma means “wound”. Recently, it seems as if more people are able to relate to the term “wound” than “trauma”. We all have wounds, and most people are able to acknowledge that they have experienced a wound in the past, whether it is visible or not, and whether or not we still carry the impact of that wound with us.

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