The Bahá’i Faith and Views on Alcohol - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Faith and Alcohol –

2019 – The Bahái Faith and Views on Alcohol

The Bahái faith has clear views on drinking that prohibit members from overindulging or becoming tempted to drink alcohol. The Most Holy book states drinking wine is discouraged as it “causes chronic disease, weakens the nerves, and consumes the mind.” A weakened mind cannot make sound decisions both in a religious context or an interpersonal one.

A member of the Bahái faith recalls the issues with drinking within the Bahái community. First, they recall the impact of generational alcohol abuse, citing the fact that children who see relatives drink are more likely to drink as an adult. If someone drinks, he or she is out of control and cannot serve God or may have trouble forming healthy relationships within their community. However, this does not make seeking treatment shameful, quite the contrary. Recovery from alcohol abuse will allow a follower of Bahá’i to regain previously lost connections.

Full Story @AddictionCenter