THE ARTS: ‘Baby Foot’ wades into the world of addiction, alcoholism and recovery - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 20, 2023 – Venable said he never set out to write a play about addiction, rehab and sobriety but they are topics he knows well. Addicted to drugs and alcohol, he says he hit rock bottom in 2004.

“I started a 12-step recovery and have been sober since then, which is almost 20 years,” he recalled. “It saved my life. Everything I have now in my life is a result of that.”

The characters in his play, which is set in the common room of a rehab facility, have been in the grips of the same addictions — alcohol and heroin. Hope Lauren plays Alexis, who is heading back out into the world after 90 days. Blackie, played by Daniel Dorr, is just arriving, and not necessarily of his own will.
