Tell Me About It: Girlfriend refuses to celebrate sobriety - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Awkward Al-anon –

Sept. 4, 2018 – I’m a recovering alcoholic, and got sober with the help of my family at a time when it threatened my life. It’s been nearly nine years. My sobriety birthday is coming up. I have an Alcoholics Anonymous home group. I have a lot of friends in the group, and I’m looking forward to my birthday meeting. I really want her to come with me, but she refuses. She doesn’t think she’ll be comfortable.

The fact that she won’t spend an hour on something this important to me has me wondering what other land mines we might find in our relationship. It doesn’t feel as if it’s enough to break up over, but it feels like a bad omen. Do you think this could be a sign of bigger trouble ahead?

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