Sweating Her Way to Sobriety - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 13, 2021 – Since first hitting the pavement, Nell has run eight marathons, become a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor, and channeled her experiences into Hurley Health, the gym and recovery support program she runs from the basement of her St. Paul home. Not only does she offer a variety of workouts, she also schedules time to check in with her clients both in person before their workout and via text throughout the week to help them on their path.

I have been in recovery for a long time—over 23 years. I got into recovery when I was 27. For the last 12 years, I’ve had an incredible run of working in the addiction recovery field for nonprofit organizations and Hazelden. I went to work for an organization called the Phoenix, a national nonprofit based out of Denver; it’s a recovery support organization that revolves around physical activity: hiking, biking, yoga, you name it. [After a few years], I went out on my own and started Hurley Health.
