Study Finds CBD Can Cause Liver Damage - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

What Are the Odds? –  

JUNE 18, 2019 -Researchers then spent some time examining mice under the influence of various doses of CBD. Some of the animals received lower doses, while others were given more. The dosage is said to have been “the allometrically scaled mouse equivalent doses (MED) of the maximum recommended human maintenance dose of CBD in EPIDIOLEX (20 mg/kg).” Shockingly, researchers discovered that the mice given higher doses of CBD showed signs of liver damage within 24 hours. To that end, 75 percent of these animals in the sub-acute phase had either died or were on the verge of death within a few days. Regardless of your feelings on this particular study, it is hard to argue with dead mice – even if you are an all-knowing marijuana expert. 

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