Stages of People Addiction by Maria Palumbo - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 30, 2023 – Stage 2: Be obliterated in mind and body and consider maybe I have a problem and it is not just my angsty misogynistic lover child. It is how damn compulsive my need for him is. I’m the problem, it is me and Taylor.

Stage 3: Go cold turkey on all of it: the texting, heartbreak, plan making, hours of great nothingness, discussions with anyone who will listen about the great sad mantra of our dating nation: “Is he even that into me?” Find life meaningless, empty, and have suicidal thoughts (that is not so fun). Be lonely AF floundering looking for a community who is actually community.

Level 4: brain chemistry starts to balance, serotonin and dopamine comes back from normal every day things so life starts to feel meaningful again. Begin to pursue life outside of love/dating truly, not to hold me over but to find lost parts of my soul. Hi! I am the problem and the solution, it’s me.
