Soberlockn’ Creates Safe Space For Music Lovers - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


August 28, 2021 – “It’s truly a remarkable experience to come to a live music festival and have the space to meet with other music fans that are also in recovery to share our experience and hope with one another in an environment that is unique to us and to our interests, she said.

“It’s been really wonderful having people come in and out. We have set meeting times but we’ve kind of been doing impromptu meetings as people come in and basically we run it just like a regular AA or NA meeting, people come in sit down we pick a topic and we kind of all share our stories of sobriety and strength and hope,” said volunteer Jonathon B.

Jonathon B and Mary Beth Aungier, director of outdoor activities at Lockn, says this kind of community and support is especially essential after the pandemic.

This year’s event is dedicated to Sean Brickell. Brickell, who passed away earlier this year, brought this initiative to Lockn Festival and was an important figure in the community.
