Sober Inebriation - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 28, 2023 – The scene is more than a little amusing and deserves to be included in today’s First Reading – but not only for its humor. Saint Peter touches on an ancient and essential aspect of devotion to the Holy Spirit: sober inebriation. Perhaps he should have clarified that they were indeed drunk, but not in the manner that the crowds supposed. They had that sober inebriation of the Holy Spirit that Saint Paul would later encourage: “And do not get drunk on wine, in which lies debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)

Saint Ambrose picks up on this theme and pens the verse: Laeti bibamus sobriam ebrietatem Spiritus – “Let us joyfully drink the sober inebriation of the Spirit.” As he instructs his people, “He who becomes intoxicated with wine staggers, but he who becomes intoxicated with the Holy Spirit is rooted in Christ. How truly excellent is this intoxication which produces the sobriety of the soul!” Here is an intoxication that leads not to stumbling and slurring, but to stability and clarity. We need to allow the Spirit to produce it in us.

As with any paradox, both parts of this must be held with equal strength. Inebriation that is not of the Spirit is debauchery or, at the very least, silliness. Sobriety without such inebriation is rigid and lifeless, lacking the freedom the Spirit gives. 
