Sober Fiesta a Success - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 2, 2022 – Christine Varela Mayer, PhD, is the owner of Los Patios and a licensed chemical dependency counselor. Varela Mayer is also the CEO of Blue Heron Recovery, a rehabilitation and recovery service provider at the Los Patios campus.

Los Patios is an alcohol-free campus and is also home to public restaurants, a yoga studio, shops and a medical clinic.

“We’ve only been in Los Patios for a year,” Varela Mayer said. “We opened up the outpatient treatment center in March of last year.”

She dreamed up the idea of Sober Fiesta, where attendees can enjoy themselves without worrying about alcohol.

“The entire city shuts down for Fiesta, but for folks who are new to recovery or choosing not to participate in alcoholic events, it’s a little problematic sometimes,” Varela Mayer said.
