Slash’s “Miserable” Addiction - How He Got Sober - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Sex, Drugs and… You Know…. –

April 19, 2019 – The guitarist says that after he left the “security” of GN’R behind, his drinking and drugging continued … Being aware of his addiction issues, Slash recalls, “I had two kids and I was living in a hotel because I couldn’t be around them. It all sort of came to a head and I thought I needed to go to some sort of facility and just get away from everybody for a month and I’ll clean up.”  Speaking about the experience, he adds, “I really embraced it and I came out of it really happy and all that energy I was putting towards self-destruction I just put towards music. I definitely feel fortunate that I didn’t fall into a complete creative block because I wasn’t high.”

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