Shocking number of children show signs of smartphone addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

So Focused! or Attachment Disorder? –

December 07, 2019 – While many people think of addiction as a behavior driven by things such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, the concept of addiction to technology has become a serious reality in recent years, which has caused people to display behavior similar to those with dependence on hard or soft drugs. 

In their findings, the researchers sought to identify several different features of addiction to smartphone technology, including specific behaviors such as: “having an intense urge to use your phone,” “feeling panicked if it runs out of battery,” “neglecting other more important things to use it,” “spending more time on it than you first intended to,” “having other people complain about how much someone used their phone,” and “continuing to use it despite knowing how much it affected other areas of your life, including sleep or school work.” … In addition to identifying obvious displays of smartphone addiction among a large number of children with access to that technology, several of the studies included in the review also found that young individuals who displayed signs of addiction to smartphones were also more likely to report symptoms of poor mental health, including anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and even feelings of…

Full Story @WashingtonExaminer