Recovery from Addiction: “You Have to Want It” - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

If you work it… –

December 22,  2019 – We spoke with recovery community members to learn what changes, if any, they’ve seen over the past year in their experiences with finding and receiving opioid addiction recovery services. “The Doorway is the entrance into recovery,” says Jason Barrows, one of six recovery community members, all Manchester residents, we spoke with on a recent visit to the Hope for New Hampshire Recovery center in downtown Manchester. “They get you into treatment, and really it’s up to you after that to continue with it. You have to put in the work.”  Hope for New Hampshire Recovery is one of the “spokes” in the Doorway hub-and-spoke model where that continued treatment happens. On a Thursday morning, the recovery community center was full of energy, with staffers welcoming each individual and directing them as needed. Colorful art covered the walls and an affirmation wall, covered with hundreds of sticky notes, greeted visitors, who are all encouraged to take an affirmation and add their own.

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