Quarantining patients at PA. drug treatment centers could pose risk, but many have nowhere else to go - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Damed if you do… – 

March 24, 2020 – “We have people who do not have a home to go back to,” said Paul Bacharach, president and CEO of Gateway Rehab, which owns 14 treatment facilities across Western Pennsylvania. “We would never just put them on the street. We’d have to find an alternative location. But I don’t think anyone has a clear answer on where that is.”

As of March 23, the state Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs said it had no reports of COVID-19 cases within treatment facilities. But many providers say it’s only a matter of time.

That’s why they’re turning to public officials for help. Some are raising the idea of public quarantine spaces run by the state or county governments that could house sick individuals, while allowing treatment facilities to keep their doors open for other patients.
