Q&A with Jackie Lapin, author & founder of Speakertunity - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Q&A with Jackie Lapin, author & founder of Speakertunity


Dec. 31, 2021 –

…tip sheets and regional and niche specialty directories that get changemakers booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits, TEDx events and virtual networking across North America. SpeakerTunity® also offers a speaker-one sheet graphic design service and turnkey Success Booking System. SpeakerTunity® is the Ultimate Speaker’s Toolbox. Jackie’s internationally acclaimed Conscious Media Relations Radio/Podcast Tours have helped nearly 200 luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership and change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts, including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Arielle Ford, Hay House and more.   



Q. Where did you grow up?
A. In the Los Angeles area.

Q. From what school or teacher did you learn the most?
A. College Prof…I’m a history buff, and was fortunate to have Doyce Nuñez, the preeminent California History expert, and a great storyteller as my instructor for 2 courses.

Q. Have you started any new projects because of the quarantine?
A. Yes, We have used this time to research and create 75 SpeakerTunity Regional Speaker Lead Directories and 60 SpeakerTunity Speaker Specialties Niche Directories so that leaders and experts in any field can find their stages with ease and little expense. Among those specialty fields are Treatment Centers that welcome speakers and authors who support the journey to sobriety.  

Q. Do you believe in God or a Higher Power?
A. Absolutely. I feel the presence in every aspect of my life.

Q. What book(s) have you read more than once?
A. None

Q. Do you have any children?
A. No

Q. Have you started any new projects because of the quarantine?
A. Yes, We have used this time to research and create 75 SpeakerTunity Regional Speaker Lead Directories and 60 SpeakerTunity Speaker Specialties Niche Directories so that leaders and experts in any field can find their stages with ease and little expense. Among those specialty fields are Treatment Centers that welcome speakers and authors who support the journey to sobriety.    

Q. If you ever retire would you prefer to live by the ocean, lake, river, mountaintop or penthouse?
A. Mountain, with a stream or river on the property. I love the sound of running water and the smell of pine trees.

Q. What is your favorite hotel or resort?
A. I prefer historic locations whatever they might be–castles, inns, b&bs, or hotels steeped in history.

Q. If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, living or dead, who would they be? (choose 4 if you think one might be too drunk or stoned to attend.)
A. Irving Stone, James Michener, Leon Uris– and just for good measure, my old high school classmate, Faye Kellerman, author of the Rina & Peter Decker mystery series. 

Q. What books are you reading now?
A. Historic novels, biographies of great people in history or historic mysteries…I go thru them quickly… 

Q. Are you bingeing on any TV series? If so which ones?
A. Anything that is historical in nature…currently 1883, the precurser to Yellowstone, lots of PBS, British or Canadian.

Q. What is your FAVORITE Broadway musical/play?
A. Book of Mormon, Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, but I love most musicals! Including the classics.

Q. What is your FAVORITE City?
A. Bruges, Belgium. It’s like a mini-untouched, Amsterdam with swans in the canals.  

Q. What is your FAVORITE Restaurant?
A. A lovely little hideaway called Cafe Bijou in Agoura or Boccacio’s on the Lake in Westlake Village.

Q. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
A. Starting a business, and I am a serial pioneer. I’ve started many. I started life as one of the first women sportswriters in America, launched what became one of the two largest sports/special events/cable television PR firms in the country and drove it for 20 years with a world class client list, created Conscious Media Relations with does radio/podcast tours for authors and leaders introducing them to 9000 shows, and then launched my biggest venture yet–SpeakerTunity, the Speaker & Leader Resource Company, know as the Ultimate Speaker Toolbox. SpeakerTunity helps leaders, experts, authors, coaches and entrepreneurs find and get on the stages/platforms that matter to them faster, easier and with less expense.

Q. What is your biggest regret?
A. Not taking MORE time to travel around the world –and especially to historic locations–over the years. I’m a passionate photographer of historic, culturally rich locales and beautiful landscapes.  

Q. What is the proudest moment in your life?
A. When I received the Baseball Writer’s of America scholarship for a young sportswriter in front of the Dodgers and Angels at a banquet, an opportunity that jumpstarted my career, landing me at the Detroit Free Press, Associated Press, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post before I was 22.