Feb. 4, 2025 – Thirty-year-old Lydia Kareha knows what it’s like to hit rock bottom.
“My decisions led me down a really rough path,” Kareha said. “I had a lot of felonies. I thought I was going to be a felon the rest of my life.”
Kareha knows what it’s like to lose yourself and lose everything to drug addiction.
“My addiction really started when I was in high school and kind of progressed from there,” she explained. “It got really bad in about 2016, started with pills and just escalated to my main drugs of choice were crack and heroin.”
She went to rehab five times, but she still ended up back out on the streets.
“In my darkest moments, I thought, ‘This is who I was meant to be. This is as good as my life’s gonna get.’ Because I heard so many times like, ‘She’s either lost potential,’ or, ‘She’ll never reach her potential. She’s a basic, lost cause.’ I was told that so many times in rehab, ‘She’s never going to go anywhere.’ Because I tried so many times and failed,” Kareha said.