Person of the Week: Barbara Nicholson Brown - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


March 11, 2025 – Barbara Nicholson Brown is the owner of Together AZ Newspaper, published monthly in Arizona, focusing on addiction recovery and behavioral health resources for the community. She is the coordinator of CARE, Celebrate the Art of Recovery Expo during National Recovery month as well as the coordinator of the Bill Brown Memorial Golf Tournament each September.

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your drug(s) of choice and when is your sobriety date?

A. Alcohol was my choice. Sobriety date June 17, 1990, it was Father’s Day – there is a special meaning there.

Q. What do you like most about 12-step meetings?

A. The fellowship of people from all walks of life, I call my friends. These are people I would never have known if I wasn’t in the rooms. Going to meetings is a good reminder that no matter how much sober time I have, every day I get 24 hours to do it right. And I am truly grateful for that.

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice, or a wicked twist of fate?

A. In my humble opinion it’s a disease.
