Overcoming Impostor Syndrome as an Overnight Success - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 29, 2024 – “Impostor syndrome is rooted in a fear of being discovered as inadequate,” explains Dr. Louise Stanger, a renowned interventionist and expert on behavioral health. “Those who experience it often attribute their achievements to luck, timing, or deceiving others, rather than their own abilities. In their own mind, they are an imposter.”

Recognizing the Signs

So, how do you know if they’re experiencing impostor syndrome? Some common signs include:

  • Downplaying achievements and attributing success to external factors
  • Believing that they need to work harder than others to prove their worth
  • Setting impossibly high standards for themselves and feeling devastated when they fall short
  • Fearing that they won’t live up to expectations and that their “true self” will be exposed
  • Avoiding or procrastinating on important tasks out of fear of failure
  • Dismissing praise and compliments from others, believing them to be insincere or misguided 
