Overcoming Addiction On Your Own Is Totally Possible - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Don’t scuba dive alone… – 

March 27, 2020 – But quitting is not impossible, though it is hard and may take several tries.

Success doesn’t come from wishing and wanting, but finally realizing that you need to change because the addiction is interfering too much with something you value. Addiction becomes a competing action to something you no longer wish to risk or destroy.

This desire sparks momentum. And with that momentum comes the confidence to take first steps and keep going, no matter what.

So, how do you get started? Treatment centers and 12-step programs are not the only way to be sober.

Common knowledge suggests the only way to recover from addiction, any addiction, is some combination of seeing an addiction counselor, going to a treatment center, joining a 12-step program, or taking medications to reduce cravings.

However, some people overcome addiction without such help.

The results from the National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey suggest that formal treatment is not a cure-all for addiction and that it isn’t even necessary. Of those who responded to the survey, three-quarters recovered without going to treatment centers.
