Out of the Darkness - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 3, 2024 – Ravaged by addiction and at rock bottom, mother of two credits long night of prayer in abandoned shack for leading to her recovery. It was a desperate plea crying out from a dark and dreary place. After 20 years of addiction, this is where … “I just hit my knees right there and prayed, ‘God, if you are real, please get me out of here.’” That was on a Wednesday in August of 2019. And ever since that day, Holder says that “things have just been falling in place for me — and that’s how I know God was in this (journey) all the way.”

One  month prior to that prayer of desperation, Holder’s mother had died, as a result of being beaten to death by a family member. She hung on for two months until finally succumbing to her injuries. It was a devastating loss for Holder.

“My mom was my angel,” Holder said. “She was the only one that really believed in me up to that point. I just knew at that point, if I didn’t get help with my addiction, there was no coming back, there was no escaping.” It was the hardest of bottoms for Holder, and she indeed found it to be rock hard.