Organic Food, Sustainable Fashion And Cocaine - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Why Are The Woke Doing So Much Coke? –

March 23, 2019 – Many may feel like a big cooked breakfast or a dessert after dinner ‘doesn’t count’ on the weekends, and that we deserve a treat after working hard all week. Some justify class-A drug use in the same way: Emily*, a 35-year-old TV producer from London, avoids meat and dairy and practices yoga during the week, but will often take cocaine at festivals and parties. ‘It feels healthier than just getting drunk because it doesn’t have the calories,’ she says. ‘If I know I’m going to take it, I’ll get lots of healthy food in and load up on supplements to take the edge off.  The drug’s side effects can be shocking, though, and the past decade has seen a trebling of those admitted to hospital for mental health disorders relating to cocaine use.

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