Orange County, CA Has Over 460 Treatment Facilities  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 25, 2024 – According to ChatGPT, Orange County, California, has a significant concentration of drug treatment facilities due to the high demand for addiction services. Estimates indicate over 460 treatment centers, making Orange County a central hub within the state for addiction treatment and rehabilitation services. State and local Orange County leaders Friday called on the need for better regulation of residential treatment and recovery facilities after a recent audit showed serious concerns with how the facilities are inspected and monitored.

The audit found the facilities are sometimes concentrated in residential areas, which the state allows, but that state oversight is not always timely or thorough, according to a fact sheet provided by the Office of the State Auditor of California. The audit of the Department of Health Care Services, which overseas the state’s treatment facilities, shows Southern California is home to a greater concentration of treatment facilities serving six or fewer residents.