Overdose Reality –

July 30, 2018 – Thank you for Jeff Barker’s reporting and your front page photo describing the recent hearing on the opioid addiction crisis that is rampant throughout Maryland and across our nation (“Officials make pitch for opioid help,” July 28). Rep. Elijah Cummings is a true champion in proposing real solutions in reversing and reducing the devastating impact of substance use disorder. Let me offer some cautious optimism regarding Mr. Cummings’ remark that “a lot of people don’t realize how significant this problem is.” There is polling and anecdotal evidence that shows the general public is becoming more informed and alarmed by this epidemic. Two Quinnipiac polls in May reveal that seven in 10 Americans say that opioid addiction is “a very serious problem.” More than half of all Marylanders (52 percent) personally know someone who has been affected by this addiction epidemic.

Full Story @ BaltimoreSun.com