Opinion: How Carl Jung inspired Alcoholics Anonymous - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

AA’s Godfather –

May 8, 2019 – Hazard had daily sessions with Jung in Zürich over several months, and stopped drinking. However, after an alcoholic relapse during a trip to Africa, Hazard was brought back to Jung as a ‘court of last resort’ in 1928. During this second analysis series, Jung pronounced Hazard a chronic alcoholic, and stated there was nothing more that psychiatry or medicine could do for him. There was just one hope, Jung said: occasionally alcoholics could recover after experiencing some type of religious conversion. However, he cautioned, recoveries due to a life-changing ‘vital spiritual experience’ were relatively rare. Years later, Bill Wilson wrote to Jung acknowledging his ‘critical role in the founding of our Fellowship’.

Full Story @ TheNelsonDaily.com