‘Opiate Effect’ draws crowd, sparks dialogue - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Films Can Teach –

January 31, 2018 – … Jan. 25 featured a screening of the documentary “The Opiate Effect,” followed by a panel discussion. The event, organized by Fed Up Manchester, The Collaborative, United Counseling Service, GNAT-TV and the Manchester Community Library, brought more than 100 community members to the library for the conversation. Andrew McKeever, news director at GNAT-TV, led the panel discussion that followed the film, featuring Wendy Galbraith of Fed Up Manchester, Maryann Morris of the Collaborative, James Reilly of UCS, Beth Sausville of the Vermont Department of Children and Families, and Nissa Walke of Vermont Blueprint for Health. “Every day in 2016, 175 Americans died from opiate related deaths,” McKeever explained. “That translates into 62,000 deaths per year. That’s more than the number of people who were killed during the 15 years of the Vietnam War.
Full Story @ ManchesterJournal.com