Not Arrested, But Rescued - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 15, 2022 – “I am loved, I am healed, and free from all addiction,” could be heard in the New Birth Christian Ministries Church in Tennille.

This graduation signifies that these incarcerated men completed a six-month program centered on recovery, rehabilitation, and reeducation for people addicted to drugs or alcohol. It included classes and counseling. Pastor Patrick Wilson is the program’s coordinator.

“Rather than arresting these men who have this illness and not providing rehabilitation, recovery, or reeducation– they’re just going to serve their time in jail and they’re going to commit another crime,” Wilson says. 

The program works in three phases. So far, these inmates have completed two. One, a 12-step program to address addiction and self-reflecting. Two, doing community service and learning skills, like welding, first aid, and Microsoft Word. The final step continues after this graduation and it’s called “after-care”. Inmates will report once a week and attend a three-hour class to check in on their progress.  

“If they can come through this program in six months, I believe that they have the tools to reenter into the community and society to be successful,” Wilson says.

Kyle Henry is one of Friday’s graduates. He was prescribed opiates after having surgery on his shoulder in college playing basketball. He says he’s been battling drug addiction for the past 10 years. 
