Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Today –  Live in Antibes, July 24-25, 1965.- “All I want is equality for my sister, my brother, my people, and me.”  This is brilliant, universal, and timeless. – She had the nerve, it had to be said and so she did say it. – Her whole point was to let you know, she wasn’t performing; she was informing! 

“Doing things gradually will bring more tragedy” timeless work. She’s a legend. To see her facial expressions and body language while performing brought tears to my eyes. The hurt and anger, frustration and a million slights and outright degradations she’d suffered or witnessed seemed to all be expressed . Powerful . Powerful . Powerful. 


7 years ago

Broke my heart hearing her sing, “My country is full of lies…”

She was born & raised in America, a land where her talent was liked a lot, but a land of people who hated her skin color…sad. – Lyrically, this is like punk rock before there was punk rock. Saying what truly needs to be said except, instead of screaming out in rage and anger, she kept her composure and cool despite the noticeable anger and anguish on her face. Brave and brilliant, class act.