New rehab clinic offers holy grail to addicts: keep drinking - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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February 26, 2018 – Most people don’t want abstinence,” said Alavida’s medical director and co-founder Dr. Diane Rothon. “They want to be able to have a cocktail at the end of the day or a glass of wine with dinner, go to a wedding and have a few drinks. They want to be able to fit in.” … Doctors at Alavida treat their outpatient clients with therapy, a smartphone app to track how many drinks they’ve had and medication. Most patients get a prescription for naltrexone pills to take as needed, an hour before they drink. Because the medication blocks opiate receptors in the brain while they drink, patients gradually feel their cravings weaken. Scientists call it “selective extinction.” Patients say the effect of the medication is subtle. “There was a point where I was wondering if it was a placebo but at the same time I was starting to drink less,” said Mark, who asked to use his middle name to keep his recovery private. Mark, who is in his late 40s, felt his drinking was beginning to escalate before he discovered Alavida. He had begun hiding it from friends and family but never would have considered an abstinence-based program like AA.
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