New Book Helps Us Heal our ‘screen-broken brains’ - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 7, 2022 – Kristian’s book is a call to resist the urge to play the amateur demagogue and to educate ourselves to defend against the industry of professional demagogues who populate politics, cable TV, talk radio, online influencing and the like.

“We’re getting so much content all day long, all of the time,” she said in an interview on “The Long Game,” a Yahoo News podcast. “I don’t think that we really prepared ourselves for that change. And so now … we have this deep confusion around what is knowable and what is true and who is trustworthy.”

Kristian’s book has a few chapters’ worth of practical advice on what to do about this. She walks through the core values that shape a “virtuous” news consumer and social media participant, and then suggests habits to help readers make better decisions about how and where they focus their attention.
